Monday, November 3, 2014

Marketing and Advertising

Marketing is the entire process of successfully selling a product or service to consumers. Advertising is a strategy or tool within marketing. Thus, advertising falls under marketing; kind of like a subcategory.

Advertising is all about getting people to buy or to react quickly. The purpose of ads is to make people want to go out and make a purchase. Marketing and advertising ultimately have the same goal, which is to sell the product (goods or services) , but marketing is more focus on the larger process.

Marketing considers the Four P's: Product, Price,Place, Promotion

Product being the good or service your selling.
Price being how much the product is going to be sold for - the cost.
Place being where, who, and how the product will be sold -  targeted consumers - people who are likely to buy the product or be interested in buying.
Promotion, which is how will people know about the product. So advertising falls under promotion and the process of getting the product out there. and letting people know about it and getting them to want to buy it.

The 4 P's is also known as The Marketing Mix:

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