Friday, October 24, 2014

Pepsi Halloween Ad

Since Halloween is almost here....

This is a Pepsi ad from Brussels, Belgium. I thought this ad was very interesting because you don't normally see a company mentioning its competitor in their ads. Usually, companies will do everything they can to avoid mentioning its competitor, but Pepsi did a very nice job with this challenge. Their ad turned out to be very effective and witty. Looking at this ad, even without the Pepsi logo in the right corner, you would still be able to tell that it's an ad for Pepsi because if this were to be an ad for Cola Coca, it wouldn't be as effective in that it might cause some confusion as if it were advertising Coke or Pepsi. But for Pepsi to create this ad, it offers a nice twist. Mentioning Coke in a Pepsi ad is very bold, and Pepsi handled it quite well. The ad is very unexpected and very cool, and perfect for Halloween.

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