Monday, November 3, 2014

Marketing and Advertising

Marketing is the entire process of successfully selling a product or service to consumers. Advertising is a strategy or tool within marketing. Thus, advertising falls under marketing; kind of like a subcategory.

Advertising is all about getting people to buy or to react quickly. The purpose of ads is to make people want to go out and make a purchase. Marketing and advertising ultimately have the same goal, which is to sell the product (goods or services) , but marketing is more focus on the larger process.

Marketing considers the Four P's: Product, Price,Place, Promotion

Product being the good or service your selling.
Price being how much the product is going to be sold for - the cost.
Place being where, who, and how the product will be sold -  targeted consumers - people who are likely to buy the product or be interested in buying.
Promotion, which is how will people know about the product. So advertising falls under promotion and the process of getting the product out there. and letting people know about it and getting them to want to buy it.

The 4 P's is also known as The Marketing Mix:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ads on Social Issues

These ads are about social and global issues and are very effective and powerful. What makes these ads so powerful is that they grab your attention and are very memorable. After seeing these ads, not only does the ad itself stays in your mind, but the issue they mention also sticks with you. After seeing these ads, it is hard not to think about the issues they mention. These ads are so creatively done that not only do they grab your attention, are very memorable, they also motivate people to take action or have the desire to take action. Effective ads prompts action. If an ad prompts an action, then the purpose of the ad is fulfilled. Whether it is to get people to buy a certain product or to create awareness for social changes, if the ad is memorable, has a clear message, and is creatively done, it can be a powerful and effective ad. These ads are very interesting and makes you think. There are more ads like these in the link above.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pepsi Halloween Ad

Since Halloween is almost here....

This is a Pepsi ad from Brussels, Belgium. I thought this ad was very interesting because you don't normally see a company mentioning its competitor in their ads. Usually, companies will do everything they can to avoid mentioning its competitor, but Pepsi did a very nice job with this challenge. Their ad turned out to be very effective and witty. Looking at this ad, even without the Pepsi logo in the right corner, you would still be able to tell that it's an ad for Pepsi because if this were to be an ad for Cola Coca, it wouldn't be as effective in that it might cause some confusion as if it were advertising Coke or Pepsi. But for Pepsi to create this ad, it offers a nice twist. Mentioning Coke in a Pepsi ad is very bold, and Pepsi handled it quite well. The ad is very unexpected and very cool, and perfect for Halloween.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Places to Advertise

1. The Yellow Pages
2. Newspapers
3. Direct Mail
4. Magazines
5. Business Cards
6. Professional or Business Organizations
7. Vehicles
8. Sending Promos With Invoices
9. Cable TV
10. Radio
11. Bench or Bus Stop
12. Local websites
13. Trade Shows
14. Emails
15. Community Involvement
16. Cross Promotion
17. eBay Listing

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Five Most Common Advertising Techniques

1. Repetition: the goal is to create an identity and allow people to remember a specific product, brand/company or both.

2. Claims: to sell a product by showing what it can do.

3. Association: usually uses a famous person. Associating product with a person or another object.

4. Bandwagon: sell a product by persuading customers to join the crowd.

5. Promotions: sale, free, or rewards. call to action

Dictionary Definition of Advertisement

1. Something (such as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement
2. A person or thing that shows how good or effective something is
3. The act or process of advertising